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In face of cruel migrant busing practices, NYC church welcomes new neighbors

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

In August of 2022, 75 faith groups in NYC got together to hear from mutual aid groups about what could be done to immediately support the many asylum seekers arriving in the city every day. Later that month, The Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, a United Methodist church, offered sanctuary to five young men who had been waiting for a bed to open up in a city shelter.

More arrivals came to the church for help as word spread about a community that was ready and willing to help (how word of any church community should spread, really!).

Now, every Monday, the church opens to provide essential supplies like metro cards, diapers, socks, school supplies, and feminine products, clothes, legal resources, medical care, childcare resources, spiritual counseling, music, food, and fellowship.

Volunteers don't see this ministry as a one-way charity: those receiving shelter have been eager to help out in the community, whether at the on-site food pantry or in other ways. Part of Christian faith is approaching community with a mindset of abundance, because every person is made in the image of God, contains great worth, and has unique gifts and qualities to add to the collective.

The inspiration for this ministry comes from scripture as well, where Jesus says, "Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food? When was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you? Or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick?"

For the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, following Jesus goes deeper than generally-held values that fail to connect to specific conditions and policies. Consider the $100 million (at least) He Gets Us campaign, which produced an ad touting Christian love for asylum-seekers, yet is funded by groups that also fund virulently anti-immigrant politicians and policies. True Christian discipleship requires concrete action. It means offering love and support, advocating for humane border and immigration laws, and calling out hateful rhetoric directed toward migrants.


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