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  • goodchristianmedia

Faith group has protested racism every week since George Floyd's murder

The People of Faith Against Racism group of Sonoma County, California took shape after the killing of George Floyd in May, 2020. Following brainstorming and praying by members of the Knox Presbyterian/Thanksgiving Lutheran faith community concerning how, in their shock, grief, and anger, they might respond, they took to the corner.

On Sunday, June 14, 2020, which happened to be Flag Day, demonstrations on the church

property, at a busy intersection, commenced – gatherings that have continued every Thursday afternoon, except when weather has intervened, with people of the neighborhood and other local congregations joining in. Bold signs proclaim the message of respect for LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC folks and others, to motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians passing through the intersection.

Too often, people of good will get caught in boom-and-bust cycles of activism, with a tragic event setting off actions that dwindle over time. It is through commitment and consistency, however, that culture and policy change. The Christian faith cultivates consistency through difficult and easy times. As Jesus says, "...the love of many will grow cold. But anyone who endures to the end will be saved." (Matt 24:12).

Possible future plans include protests of gun violence and other forms of violence. The voice of these passionate Christian activists is being heard – it may not always be welcome, but as they demonstrate at the corner of Stony Point Road and West Third Street in Santa Rosa, their message cannot be ignored!


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